Zoom Christmas Dinner This Year with Idaho’s Favorite Holiday Dish
There has been some controversy on who really decides answers when it comes to popular state polls. Have you ever received a poll?
It's somewhat interesting what people's favorites are when it comes to food. I grew up in Texas, the military took me to Seattle, and radio took me out to Alaska. I've been around and it's all different. This just seemed stereotypical if you ask me.
Treetopia did a special survey making Idaho's most popular Christmas Dinner Recipe, Roasted Potatoes. That's interesting because I'm not even sure if I've ever seen that dish on any holiday. Is that just me? Do you serve up a special Idaho recipe of Roasted Potatoes?
Mashed potatoes are a regional favorite that includes Washington, California, and Arizona. What is this special recipe I'm wondering? I grew up in Texas and we love our steaks. I'll go with mashed potatoes and barbecue. Living in Idaho we definitely talk about our great potatoes and the Boise Frye Company. Well, I guess we should just take pride in our potatoes.
Here's a fun fact in which I'm not buying period! Christmas Cookies are Idaho's favorite holiday dessert recipe? Stop it! I know this because the dessert for Texas is Toffee Pudding and I didn't know that existed either. I'll step back my comments on Christmas cookies because you can't really go wrong there. Everyone loves a decorated sugar cookie.
These numbers come from trends and searches on Google. You can't really debate that because who knows what my son is searching for. My daughter is barely two years old and maybe she's responsible for the cookie searches.