We've made our way into the Top Ten states not too worried about being fat.  Who joins us?

Gallup has come out with its list of states that struggle with obesity, and Idaho isn't one of them.  Mississippi, West Virginia, and Louisiana have the biggest struggles with that.

Idaho ranks 6th for the thinnest states, with only 24% of us dealing with obesity. Doesn't that still seem high?  Looking around I don't see too much of it.  According to Gallup, Hawaii is the thinnest state, Colorado is second, then Montana, California, Massachusetts, and Idaho.  Overall, the West seems like a pretty healthy place to be!

Do you think it's geographic?  Do they have better restaurants in the South that suck people in and harm their ability to resist calories?  Are we just more determined to hit the gym in the Northwest?  Is it because we have all the great opportunity for outdoor activity in Idaho that keeps us fit?

I suppose we can be fit or fat anywhere, and maybe it's time to get rid of the generalizations?  But thanks Gallup, for helping us feel thin today.


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