Every Saturday Morning People Jump Into the Boise River
After I saw the video posted online, I realized there are a lot of people here in the Treasure Valley that are more brave than I am. I got the heads up from Boise Weekly that there is a group that continues to grow every week and each Saturday morning at 8 a.m. they meet at the Boise River for a quick dip in the freezing water.
Zerin Beattie is the founder of Xpandyourself and he began jumping in the Boise River on Saturday, December 29th, 2018 with some friends. The next Saturday was January 5th, 2019 when 8 more people joined him for the jump into the river. Now there are often more than 30+ swimmers that join him near the Riverside Apartments (1001 South Leadville Avenue in Boise) each Saturday morning.
Everyone is encouraged to join in on the Saturday morning splash, but remember to bring a towel, swimsuit and sandals. Zerin also like to remind people to know your limits. If it's your first time and you aren't comfortable, maybe you just go up to your waist.
Zerin also likes to explain the benefits of the cold water on your body and muscles. Cold showers don't even compare to actually jumping in the Boise River. He says that it has improved his blood flow, reduces inflammation, and expanded his consciousness when done with the breathing exercises. So, are you going to join him and the group on Saturday morning?
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