This is just unbelievable. It is illegal in the state of Idaho to have aerial fireworks, and yet people still bring them into the state and fire them off. Yesterday during your Fourth Of July celebration you more than likely saw, or maybe even heard some fireworks that are strictly prohibited within city limits. 

The Ada County dispatch says that from July 1st through the 4th Firework's celebration over 400 calls of illegal aerial fireworks had been placed. That is 400 calls more than should have been. First responders were pretty darn busy dealing with something that most people shouldn't have even been doing. Of the 400 calls, only 7 resulted in an incident where crews needed to be called on to the scene of an accident. The Human Society of Idaho was busy as it usually is as well taking in over 30 animals into their shelters. The sounds and loud booms from the nearby displays usually cause quite the disturbance inside normally quite neighborhoods around Ada County resulting in family pets running away.

Fireworks in Backyard

We told you about the fire this morning at The Edgewater Apartments that fire crews worked on as a result of illegal aerial fireworks. While it is illegal to fire off air born fireworks, it is still perfectly legal to purchase them inside the state. Which sounds pretty backward, and hopefully next year this won't even be a question anymore.

To read more about the busy night and week for dispatchers in both Ada & Canyon Counties read the article from KBOI Channel 2's website now 


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