Treasure Valley Schools Considering Extending Closure to April 20th
Treasure Valley parents are dealing with keeping their kids occupied and educated during the stay-at-home order that has closed area schools. Now schools are considering keeping schools closed until April 20th even if the stay-at-home order is lifted on April 15th.
According to an article on, the Idaho State Board of Education will hold a virtual meeting today at 3 p.m. to discuss the issue. You can watch the meeting live through Facebook.
Other items up for discussion include...
- waiving rules defining semester credit hours
- request the governor consider suspending certain statutory requirements to provide school districts added flexibility
What do you think should be done with the rest of the school year? My kids are in the West Ada school district, and they don't even start online learning until April 13th.
I don't know what the answers are, but I know this is all really tough on parents and kids. My children have never wanted to go back to school like they do right. They are aching for friends, traditional learning, and those after-school extra curricular activities.