
Idaho’s Unofficial Chocolate Flavor According to ‘Real-Life Willy Wonka’
Idaho’s Unofficial Chocolate Flavor According to ‘Real-Life Willy Wonka’
Idaho’s Unofficial Chocolate Flavor According to ‘Real-Life Willy Wonka’
A chocolatier who was named by Forbes in 2014 as the "Real Life Willy Wonka," has created quite the patriotic box of chocolates. Each State is represented in the "Taste of America" chocolate collection with it's own unique flavor.   For example, the piece of chocolate modeled after California is flavored with Napa Valley red wine. The Texa...
Idaho for Working Moms
Idaho for Working Moms
Idaho for Working Moms
Ladies, do you feel like you have great job opportunities here?  And you have an awesome work-life balance?  Excellent!  You hit the jackpot. But Idaho overall is so-so for working moms.
Idaho Is Number One…For The Worst Drivers.
When you think of the state with the worst drivers in the US, what state comes to mind? I immediately think of New York and California, and I lived in Texas for many years and they're not great either. But it turns out, Idaho is number one!  Why?  What did we do?
September Is The Most Popular Month For Birthdays
September Is The Most Popular Month For Birthdays
September Is The Most Popular Month For Birthdays
If you're taking the kids to birthday parties every other day this month it's not surprising. There are more birthdays in September than in any other month.  It has something to do with the um.... festive feelings around the holidays in December it appears.  My birthday is next Wednesday.  Yep! Where does Idaho rank on the list of the best states to have a baby?