I wanted to get this article up quickly so you could take advantage of the free meals. PIKnik at the Park is hosted by the Protect Idaho Kids Foundation each Sunday at Ann Morrison Park.

This started at the end of June and it's just a great free opportunity for families especially living in the current landscape we're in.

Everyone's economic situation is different right now and whenever you can take advantage of free food it's a gift. The attitude is the same everywhere when talking about offering free meals. They want you to save your money and take advantage of free meals. There are so many of us that still can't predict what the future holds regarding COVID-19. If you don't spend money on food that helps a ton!

The PIKnik at the Park goes for two hours and everyone gets a free lunch package including the parent. I'm going to give you a number and list with details. They want you to call ahead so they can plan on having the correct number of lunches. Life's Kitchen will be preparing meals that you can stay in the park to eat or take home.

Please call ahead to (208) 761-5695. If you don't call they can't guarantee lunches will be available. There will also be places to help donate.

Lunch Packages include:

  • Sandwich
  • Fruit
  • Drink
  • Chips


READ MORE: How Much Food Do You Need to Shelter in Place?

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