Open Letter From Mike to Kate
Staring Monday for the first time in 15 years I will not be looking across the broadcast board at the face of Kate McGwire. It's easy to take things and people for granted, and knowing that I had a partner that I could trust and count on every single morning was something that I did take for granted because she helped make what we did together easy.
From the first time we met at a Starbucks, we had chemistry. She was the only person the station interviewed for the morning co-host opening 15 years ago. That's how well that first meeting went.
We have had our ups and downs over 15 years, as anyone would, but I am so happy to say the ups outweighed the downs by about 100 to 1. Even when we would argue or fight, we could fight and then move on and be over it. It's one of the many things that I loved about or relationship.
We really did know what the other was thinking and could usually finish each other sentences.
I hate that Kate is leaving but I understand and support her. We made and agreement with each other 15 years ago that we would always support each other and have each others back, no matter what the circumstances or outside influences. So even though I don't want her to go and I don't want to have to rebuild a whole new show, I support her, because I have her back and I want her to be happy. That's more important to me than what we do here for you every day from 5:30 to 10.
Like Kate I am proud of what we've accomplished together here on Mix 106 due in large part to all of you, the 12 listeners. We would not be what we are today with out you!
Fifteen years together, seven times in a row our listeners voted us the "Best of the Treasure Valley", three times our listeners voted us the "Best of Boise" and the Idaho State Broadcasting Association awarded us "Best Morning Show in Idaho" four times. We helped to raise over half a million dollars for various charities in the Treasure Valley, due largely to your personal passion for some of those causes.
On a personal note, Kate, I truly mean this, I hope you find your happiness, your new passion, your next adventure. I'm just sorry, that for the first time in 15 years we won't be doing it together. I will never forget the past 15 years. You came into my life as a new chapter of my life was beginning. You've been with me through dating and my marriage to Tracy, you've watched my kids grow and watched them begin to have children of their own. You are and always will be family.
All I can really say to you other than that is..... thank you!
Thank you for making the last 15 years the most fun 15 years of my career. Some of my most memorable times and best stories involve being with you either on the radio or doing something outside of work.
Thank you for inspiring me, Thank you for pushing me to be better....Thank You!
Monday we both start a new chapter in our lives, this time in different places, with different goals in different novels. But I hope that as we add to those chapters that we both end up in the same place together again at the end of the book with our own happy endings.
Good luck my friend, I will miss your face.
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