New Year New Engagment!
On New Year's Eve I thought it was just another day & another start of another year. And then at midnight with a new year came a BIG surprise.
At the end of 2013 I was happy to see it go & a new year to begin. But as I gathered with friends & the count down begin I was the one surprised! My boyfriend grabbed my hand & dropped to one new in front of our friends & asked me to marry him... And of course I said "YES". As a newly engaged women the first thing I did was cry... And then continue on with celebrating, having decided that I would let all my friends & family know the following day. And as the next day comes & I let all of my loved ones know everyone continually keeps asking me "When is the date?". I hadn't even been engaged 24hrs and my friends are planning my wedding. And once we decide on a date I will let everyone know. But for now I'm still excited that he picked me and I am enjoying the moment.
Hope you like my ring cause I do,
Stephanie Kay