The 12 Days Of ChristMIX Toy Drive
Moug will live in the back of a 50 foot truck trailer, broadcast high above the Treasure Valley on a scissor lift, and fill another truck for local families for 12 days starting December 3rd.
After the year that 2020 has been, and the dozens of Mix listeners who have reached out asking where they may be able to get some assistance for the Holidays, we've decided to take things into our own hands. So we're throwing the "12 Days of ChristMIX" Toydrive" with Moug & Angie mornings, our sponsor T-Mobile and Mix 106.
Inspired by my friend Chet Buchanan at the station that gave me my start in radio, 98.5 KLUC in Las Vegas, I've decided I too can put comfort aside for 12 days to collect toys, bikes and gift cards for families in the Treasure Valley this holiday season, so that no child, or teen for that matter, wakes up without a smile on their face this Christmas. So beginning December 3rd, I'll be living in the back of a 50 foot Giltner truck and broadcasting high above Eagle Road from a scissor lift, right in front of The Village at Meridian, while filling another 50 foot truck with toys, benefitting the Women and Children's alliance and other beloved Treasure Valley organizations.
Everyone is welcome to come by during the twelve days (Thursday, December 3rd-Monday December 14th) and donate some toys, a bike or a gift card, or even cash! If you'd like to volunteer to help out during this 24 hour/12 day event, keep checking back here as we'll have official information coming soon. Same goes for individuals who wish to receive from our Toy drive. We'll post everything you need to know in the coming days.
Filling a 50 foot semi truck trailer with toys seems like a massive undertaking but I know this is a remarkable community that is up to the challenge. Boise, Meridian, Eagle, Kuna, Nampa, Caldwell, Ontario, Mountain Home and every other community in and around the Treasure Valley, we'll be counting on you. If everyone donated just one toy or bike or gift card, together we'd make an incredible difference in such a stressful year. For the kids, and for the parents, I'll see you Thursday morning, December 3rd on Eagle Road in front of The Village at Meridian. Let's do this!
"All equipment for Mix 106 12 Days of ChristMIX generously donated by Pacific North Contractors , with support from Giltner Transportation, Inc. , and Valley Wide Cooperative."

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