I Came Across the Dreams Tik Tok Video Again with a Breakthrough
There isn't much to this article but honesty It's in the center of my own heart. I was up writing when I came across a thought.
I found myself going down that thing I called, "The Rabbit Hole." It's just when you start scrolling through feeds online and I noticed lately to be captivated by positivity. There were several but Fleetwood Mac got me.
Wait, no. It was Nathan Apodaca who took a Tik Tok video in Idaho that has caught everyone's attention. I just read that Fleetwood Mac has reached number one again and this time on Itunes. That is 43 years after it came out.
Fun Fact: Did you know that "Dreams" was Fleetwood Macs only #1 song? This is an iconic band and Stevie Nicks would go on further in her career with massive hits. Only one #1 hit. Wow.

I love this like the rest of the world and not just because of this guy's careless free night on the highway in Idaho. I feel like everywhere I go the quote, "2020 is saved" is used to describe this video.
Think about that. I started to watch more videos and one thing caught my attention that some might miss. Every person in the compilation I'm about to show you is of a different race. I'm not sure where they live, who they voted for, or what they're like. Most of these made me smile and I kept watching enough to showcase that positivity for you.
There is no angle in writing this article but just the realization that we can still love each other despite our beliefs. I don't need to know yours. I don't need a key inside your home or that's just my example of, Facebook.
We have a destructive pandemic that unfortunately is about to take over our cities once again. I hope that it doesn't. If these doctors are correct though, we have problems. There is an election ripping up into pieces because we have decided to destroy our neighbors. We judge.
I could tell you to relax but who am I. Teachers in Ada County won't go teach because the worry of their students comes first. Now, they have become the enemy. Sad. These are the same teachers who would stand in front of a bullet for our children making the same salary.
I'm not trying to persuade your beliefs but there is a message. Love. I saw this post from a friend and that's my inspiration for posting this. She was sharing this post and I was bothered by the honesty. Not in a negative way but more for affirmation that we're different. I'm a white man so how could I really get this comment unless I listened. I know who I am and what kind of man I've become. That being said, I'm not ignorant or stand on a pedestal. I'm listening.
This comes from David A.
I wish America loved Hispanic people the way they love Hispanic Culture and food.
That got me. That's a human wishing another race loved him because of who he is. Doesn't matter what race honestly. That's how he feels.
As we get through another day with our neighbor, co-worker, or family member who loves to post that attack on your beliefs. I would just say okay. Unfollow. Don't fight it because it brings you down. Focus on what's positive and that this one man grabbed his skateboard because his car broke down and headed to work. He loves him some Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice and smiled all the way down the ramp. I don't know this man or whether he's a great boyfriend or not. Does he have kids? Does he show up on time to work? Good worker? I don't want to know because it's not my business. Leave him alone. He made us smile. Accept the moment and maybe...just maybe this is a sign.
We're all looking for something to smile about and maybe we should give more attention to the things that make us smile and less about the moments that anger us. Right?
Thank you Natali for making me smile tonight. What you don't know about this amazing mother is she's just like the rest of us. Challenges attack your family and it's up to the parents to keep things together. That's what Natali, her husband, and family cling on to. They believe. May GOD bless them in their battles towards happy health because they deserve it. We're all in this together. It's called, "Life."
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