Who’s Behind The Vehicle Windows Shattering On I-84 Near Cole Road
We've seen this kind of thing before. Back in January 24 vehicles had busted windows when some idiots decided to crack golf balls at cars in the north end of Boise. Last October more than 20 windows were busted in the downtown Boise area on State Street, Vista Avenue, and Orchard. Or how about when another couple of idiots were hiding on a dark street targeting car's windshields on Milwaukee in Boise? That happened a couple of years ago. Now, someone's targeting semi trucks on I-84 near Cole Road.
The Idaho State Police just reported that a semi truck headed east on I-84 near Cole Road went through a similar experience. The driver says his passenger window just shattered out of nowhere while he was driving. After dealing with his "mini heart attack" and freaking out, which anyone would, the driver was able to safely pull over and call the police.
Police are concerned that this is NOT just an isolated incident and other vehicles most likely have been assaulted in the same way but instead of these incidents being reported, the drivers often times just take care of the problem and move on. Authorities are asking anyone who has experienced this type of issue between 9/11 and 9/18 to please contact Idaho State Dispatch at 208-846-7500.