What Are Your Halloween Plans in the Treasure Valley?
Halloween certainly won't be the same this year. Many traditional Halloween festivities, especially trick-or-treating, are considered high-risk for spreading COVID-19 according to the CDC. The CDC also says if you think you have the virus or you may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, you should not participate in in-person Halloween festivities and should not give out candy to trick-or-treaters.
A new Hi-Chew poll found that 3 in 4 parents plan to take their child trick-or-treating despite COVID restrictions. The poll also revealed that parents will only allow their trick-or-treaters to visit five homes on average. A third of parents will allow their children to only make stops at neighbor's homes and have even checked to make sure their neighbors are COVID-negative.
So what are families choosing to do in the Treasure Valley this year? Every neighborhood is different and some are offering alternative trick-or-treating options. The West End Neighborhood Association is holding a "Halloween Walkabout," a socially distanced parade, on Halloween night starting at 5:30 pm.
The East End Neighborhood Association says they will not be celebrating Halloween this year but just like the North End Neighborhood Association, will be offering some alternative activities instead.
There are several drive-thru experiences worth checking it too! There is a Drive-Thru Trick-or-Treat hosted by The Riverside Hotel in Boise 6 to 7:30 p.m. There is also at least one haunted car wash. Tonya Mitchell is showing off her Forever Pumpkins too.
Many clubs and organizations are also holding their own trunk-or-treats as well which you can find on Facebook. You can also check out this interactive map which shows which houses plan to participate in trick-or-treating.
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