We Hope Boise Girl Scouts Will Have The New Secret Cookie
Girl Scouts have a new cookie flavor coming in 2019 that will feed our cookie addiction in a whole new way. Thin Mints are usually #1 in popularity, but a curious new addition will be sweet, salty, and chewy, and probably just as irresistible as the others. Start practicing your willpower now.
Not only are Girl Scouts learning valuable life skills, building confidence, and helping to make the world a better place, but they're also fantastic at feeding our sweet tooth. Raise your hand if you can polish off an entire sleeve of Thin Mints in one sitting, straight out of the freezer. And don't even get us started on how great it is to suck on a Tagalong until it melts in our mouths. Okay, focus.
Girl Scouts are introducing the new Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookie in 2019, and we hear if features rich caramel, semi-sweet chocolate chips, and a hint of sea salt in a chewy cookie. Imagine a scoop of ice cream in between two of those. Or pair one or six of them with a glass of Malbec. You know the Girl Scout Cookie-wine pairings will be back and some of us are not embarrassed to march a box of cookies right into the bar at happy hour and skip the cheese board app.
The Girl Scouts of Silver Sage will start selling cookies in early 2019, most likely in February. Each regional Scout council will have to decide whether they'll carry the new cookies, and we are crossing our fingers we'll have them in Boise. We are already pre-meditating the over-indulgence.
Buying Girl Scout cookies doesn't just feed our need for sweets. It also helps the girls learn business skills and become entrepreneurs, so it's a win-win.
Now back to those 2018 Thin Mints that are still in the freezer...
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