Test Your Skills At Jumpin Janet’s Trivia Night!
There are few things in which I genuinely pride myself. I've often lamented the fact that I'm not exceptionally adept at any one thing. I've always found myself being just adequately proficient at a few things. But I can boast with certainty that I am filled with seemingly useless trivia. Especially in the pop culture realm, I am a reliable source of details of which most people have no awareness. The only facet of my life where this is practical is my radio career. I always have a random fact to provide regarding artists.
But then I discovered the magical thing that is Trivia Night! It's simple enough: A series of questions are asked in different categories, and you answer them. I mean, Trivial Pursuit has been around for ages, so it's not a new concept. But Trivia Night hosted by a bar is an even more fun animal because alcohol!
Every Wednesday Jumpin Janet's hosts Trivia Night where winners score gift cards and pitchers of beer. So basically it's Disneyland for adults who've stored random knowledge in the depths of their brains. Tonight I partook in the challenge, and it was a lot harder than I thought.
There's an app involved, more categories than one could imagine, varying point values dependent on difficulty, and a time crunch to enter your answers. It's not just some thrown together bit. Thankfully my arsenal of random knowledge helped my team secure the top spot, winning us a $30 gift card. But I very much needed help from my team to take first prize. The questions are well thought out and challenging. My Moug & Angie Mornings co-host, John Moug was especially instrumental in our win.
Now that I've been through it, I'm excited to study up and test my skills once more! Can we achieve 1st place again? Will my consumption of perfectly made Long Islands obstruct this goal? Are you going to challenge me and my team in this poor man's Jeopardy!? I hope so! Head to Jumpin Janet's this and every Wednesday for your shot at the crown!
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