The flu has hit Idaho kids hard this year. We just told you about a 13-year-old girl from eastern Idaho who succumbed to the flu and it now looks like a couple other cases have proven to be deadly.
When I think of people passing away from the flu, I always think of the elderly, never do I think of the flu virus killing a 13-year-old girl, but it has tragically happened right here in Idaho.
With the kids back in school this week, you know the germs will be coming back to the house at some point. But there are at least five things we can do to ward off the flu before it gets a grip.
Here comes flu season, and keeping your co-workers' germs away involves more than a quick squirt of hand sanitizer. There's an art to killing viruses, and it requires more patience than we've had so far.
If you made it through the last flu season without missing a day of work or school, you're one of the few.
The flu vaccine that was supposed to keep us from getting sick was only 36 percent effective last time around, but the CDC says they've tweaked it to be more effective this year. Hope so!