The Flu Coming Back Hard In Idaho
Some states are actually restricting visitation because the flu has hit so hard, This is that time of year where a lot of people start coming down with influenza. Most muscle through it dragging the flu through work, grocery stores, airplanes, and just about any other public place you can think of which ends up infecting the rest of us. Fortunately, Idaho is NOT in bad enough shape to restrict visitors from coming in. I don't even know how they do that to tell you the truth. I guess the last time was 10 years ago when the H1N1 virus was sweeping through the country.
With that said, the flu has taken hold here in Idaho and experts are working together to help educate the public and be prepared for those that come in needing treatment. According to KIVI TV, St. Luke's in Nampa has respiration stations, hand sanitizer, masks, gloves, gowns and they also ask visitors who have symptoms of the flu to self-report to protect everybody in the hospital.
Please just use common sense if you feel the flu coming on. Take a day or two off of work. Stay inside. Do your best to not pass it along to others. Last year was brutal with this stuff. Let's hope that we've all learned something and that we can all work together a bit to help stop the flu from spreading so much.