Every year I text my dad to ask what he wants for Father's Day, and every year I get the same answer. Barbecue sauce. He's so low maintenance! We've got some other gift ideas too, in case your pops aims a little higher.
A man working his way across the country on a world-record road trip stopped in Boise yesterday.
Mikah Meyer is 14 months into a 3-year-long road trip, traveling to all of the National Park Service sites in one continuous trip. By the way, there are 417!
Beard trimmers, a book about meat, and a membership to the Dollar Shave Club? See what other things dads want for Father's Day, and let us know if you agree with one top choice.
Tuesday, November 11th is Veteran's Day, and chances are there is someone in your life you celebrate and honor because they've served in the military in some capacity.
When my kids were little, they thought it was pretty cool that their dad was on the radio. They got to come to work to talk into the microphone, dad got to meet big celebrities from time to time and of course all the free CD's. As cool as that is, it's nothing compared to this dad.
A dad has gone viral with this video of his daughter taking selfies in the back seat. He must have noticed all the commotion, and whipped out his phone to capture this madness for all of us. Enjoy!
My mom got my dad an iPhone for Father's Day, and my first text from Dad arrived Monday.
He needed a day or so to figure out how to text on this "newfangled thing," but once he figured it out he didn't mess around with just words. He sent me a pic! Of my grandma's 1980-something Buick. And he didn't say a word about it, just the pic.
This is going to be a wild texting adventure with P