Summer Swimsuit Self Esteem and Woes
I am not sure what it is but I go through phases and weights. I fell comfortable in my body one minute and the next I don't. Why is it that summer brings out the worst in self-esteem? I know I am not alone.
Many many men and women deal with this. Swimsuit confidence is a real thing and problem that many deal with every year. Is it a body image issue or is it the fact that society has painted an image we see so often in our minds that we then believe that is how we should look or what we want to look like?
I really think body image is an issue right now, do you? All I hear and feel is a desire to look better, maybe that's good... to be more healthy and look and feel better? There is a fine line though between the two. There is a great paragraph in an article by titled: Public attention, media and growing distortions. It talks about the images we are presented by the media on what is "ideal". It doesn't match up with reality.
How do we all become comfortable and happy in our skin?