Sorry, Rich & Famous… “Stay At Home” Is Different For You
Look, I appreciate the sentiment from all the celebrities who are doing their part to "stop the spread" by staying home and saying things like, "if I can do it, so can you" as they film themselves on Instagram from a Beverly Hills Mansion.
I have no problem staying at home, in my humble Meridian home. Truly, if it helps to stop the spread of the Coronavirus, count me in. I also appreciate that celebrities are doing this, but I feel like they're on a different playing field than us.
Some of these guys are in giant mansions with pools, tennis courts, home movie theaters, some have maids and chefs that are weathering the storm by staying by their celeb's side. By the way, if you had all that, why would you ever leave in the first place?
David Geffen posted about his social distancing from a giant YACHT out in the middle of the ocean, and again, you are social distancing, but that's a bit different than me staring at Netflix in my basic living room on my uncomfortable couch.
I think for a lot of people, staying at home can be hard... I've been with my fiance now for three years, but if this had happened before we were together, I would have been in a pretty lonely place. I lived alone with my dogs at that point, so I guess I was lucky on that front. I couldn't imagine going through this single, with no pets. Oh, should I mention, I blogged about how now may be a great time to adopt a new pet.
Anyway, stay home, and stay sane, and feel free to call into our show and say hello! We're here every day for you trying to keep you informed and entertained through all this on Moug & Carly - Mornings on Mix 106!
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