16-Year-Old Boy Killed in Boise E-Scooter Accident
We now know the identity of the person killed in the e-scooter accident last night. Tragically, the crash took the life of a 16-year-old boy.
I can't imagine facing the holiday season without my son. Accidents are one of the most horrific ways to lose someone. Nothing prepares you for it. Although the identity of the young man has not been released, I keep thinking of this Treasure Valley family who is suffering through the unimaginable.
A second 16-year-old boy was affected by the crash when a truck hit them at 15th and Main in Downtown Boise last night at 8:10.
According to an article on KTVB, which details the accident, the truck was headed northbound on 15th when it collided with both boys who were riding an e-scooter together heading eastbound.
The second boy involved in the accident is said to have sustained non-life-threatening injuries.
The driver of the pickup is said to be fully cooperating with investigators.
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