The Most Dangerous City in Idaho Is…
When you think of the state of Idaho and dangerous is there a certain place that comes to mind?
24/7wallst.com just did an article by Samuel Stebbins and Michael B. Sauter where they unveiled each state most dangerous city. I LOVED that they started out the paragraph about Idaho with :
Idaho is one of the safest states in the country
The number one most dangerous place in Idaho is:
Idaho: Pocatello
> 2017 violent crimes per 100,000 people: 443 (state: 226)
> Number of violent crimes in 2017: 243 (6.3% of state total)
> Poverty rate: 20.2% (state: 14.5%)
> Annual unemployment: 2.7% (state: 2.8%)
Are you from Pocatello and feel this is wrong? The overall violent crime rate has actually been falling steadily and is at it's lowest it has been in a long time. The folks with 24/7wallst.com tracked the crime rate in 2,000 US cities and towns and only sued areas with more than 20,000 people.
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