Memorial Day

Shoshone Falls Water Flow Peaks
Shoshone Falls Water Flow Peaks
Shoshone Falls Water Flow Peaks
It's considered one of the most beautiful waterfalls in world and this week it's even more spectacular than it has been or will be at any time this year because the Bureau of Reclamation has increased water flow nearly 6X over what it was just a week ago. But don't wait too long to see it, because the water flow is not expected to last too long.
Convince This Naysayer That Camping is a Good Thing
Convince This Naysayer That Camping is a Good Thing
Convince This Naysayer That Camping is a Good Thing
I just don't get camping.  I don't understand why anyone in their right mind would choose to sleep outside with bugs and critters, when there's a perfectly good bed and a hot shower at home. Do you love it?  Excellent!  I'd love to learn from you about why it's so awesome, and offer up a few suggestions for places around Idaho to help you fuel your love for camping this weekend.
Upcoming Memorial Day Weekend Camping Conditions
Upcoming Memorial Day Weekend Camping Conditions
Upcoming Memorial Day Weekend Camping Conditions
The unofficial start to summer is almost here and many Idahoans are ready to get out and get camping Memorial Day weekend. I talked with a few of my friends the other day and most of them are planning an annual camping trip with their families...
You’ll Hear These Kid Comments On Your Memorial Day Weekend Road Trip
You’ll Hear These Kid Comments On Your Memorial Day Weekend Road Trip
You’ll Hear These Kid Comments On Your Memorial Day Weekend Road Trip
It's more than just, "Are we there yet?"  That usually starts in the driveway, and there a dozen other comments and questions that can take the steam out of our Memorial Day Weekend road trips just as quickly.  Here are some of the best zingers from the back seat that stress out parents.
What’s Closed On Memorial Day?
Hello to all of ya working at hospitals, gas stations, restaurants, and retail shops today. What day off, right?!  Not everyone is spending the holiday around the barbecue pit or at the mall, and it's business as usual.  But there are a bunch of offices that are closed today, and here are a few of them.
Properly Fly Your Flag
Properly Fly Your Flag
Properly Fly Your Flag
We'll see lots of American flags on display this Memorial Day Weekend, and there are right ways and wrong ways to do it. Do you know the difference?
S’Mores Oreos Are Coming
S’Mores Oreos Are Coming
S’Mores Oreos Are Coming
Because we were all just thinking it's WAY too much work to make an actual S'more, the cookie geniuses at Oreo are putting together something yummy to help us. Just in time for a Memorial Day Weekend barbecue!  But if we wait too long to jump on this greatness we'll miss out.