People With Pets Have Better Quality of Life According to New Study
Here's a simple way to be happier and improve your quality of life: get a pet.
According to a new study from Purina, some pet owner perks include feeling more relaxed (60 percent) and less lonely (55 percent), achieving improved physical wellness (44 percent) and feeling more confident (19 percent).
The lengthy list of benefits surrounding having a pet doesn't end there.
According to the pet food company, pet owners also enjoy life's milestone moments more if their pets can be involved.
New research shows 41 percent of pet owners who intentionally try to include their pet in celebrations, achievements and milestones hold a higher value for the moment.
Many pet owners enjoy savoring daily moments with their pets: 19 percent take their fur baby to coffee shops; 28 percent enjoy mediation with their pet; and 37 get their daily steps in with their special furry friend.
Overall wellbeing isn't a one-way street only benefiting the pet owner. Pets that are included in their family's activities and lifestyles also benefit from an improved quality of life, often living longer.
According to Libby Sheridan, a Purina vet, "Most lifespans, for pets and people, are longer than their 'healthspans' which relates more to the quality of life."
Sheridan encourages pet parents to support to their pets through a balanced diet, exercise and veterinary care to "help pets live long and happy lives."