National Cousins Day, My Cousin Shawn
Today is national cousins day, celebrating all of our cousins on this day.
To celebrate here are a few pictures and stories about my cousin Shawn. You may remember him from when Al Roker visited Boise and sent him with my Uncle and I to Pittsburgh for his first Steelers game.
I was thinking back to his first concert, he was 11 or 12. We went to see San Francisco band, Train in Billings at the fair. He enjoyed it and we had a lot of fun.
About a year and a half ago we went to Garth Brooks and I took Shawn with me backstage. He rocked a 90's Garth Brooks shirt his dad got at his 90's concert in Billings, so it was cool to see him wear that.
Other fond memories are his first live Griz game in Montana, running on the rims, and going to the candy store for sweets. Happy national cousins day!