Looking for the Bandit’s Clues Could Cause You Health Issues
While the Bandit has been playing TRICKS on all of us for the last few weeks as to where he has hidden the issing "M", looking in certain places around the Treasure Valley could end up causing you serious health issues. For REAL.
On a serious note..and by no means is this a CLUE, but if you are looking in or near the Dear Flat National Wildlife Area a dangerous warning has been issued concerning the refuge. Harmful Algae has been spotted at Lake Lowell, you and your furry family members are encouraged to NOT make contact with the water.
The Bandit can be a bit of a pill..as we know..but I'm pretty sure he doesn't want us getting sick looking for the "M" ...right. So search on friends, listen at 7:20 and 4:20 for his cryptic clues..and PLEASE find the hidden clue...saying IX106 is getting harder and harder by the day...especially for IKE:) - JD The Producer