Winter in Idaho can be quite the event. When it comes to Boise, it seems like we mostly have our stuff together but anything can happen. We like to think we can plan and prepare but sometimes, the winter weather has other plans.

Are you prepared for winter?

If you've lived in Idaho for some time, then you're probably familiar with the winter seasons already. Driving and navigating the cold is like second nature and you don't think twice about it.

But once in a while, Idaho encounters brutal winter conditions that can make the veteran winter survivors tremble a bit. It doesn't happen often but when it does, it hits Idaho hard.

And we're not talking about the temperatures either but rather actual blizzards and heavy snowfall.

We did some research and came across some of the most brutal storms Idaho has ever seen and one of those storms brought 82 inches of snow... yes, 82 inches.

Can you imagine Boise getting that much snowfall? Let's take a look at the five winter storms that brought Idaho to its knees...

The Worst Winter Storms in Idaho History

There have been some deadly winter storms in Idaho's history - are we on our way to another? Let's look at the top five worst winter storms in Idaho's history thanks to data from

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

If winter is not your thing and you have the luxury of being able to get out of Idaho before the heavy snowfall, we have the top ten best warm winter destinations for you to escape to.

The Top 10 Best Warm Winter Destinations

In order to determine the best winter holiday destinations, WalletHub compared 69 of the most populated U.S. metropolitan statistical areas, or MSAs, across six key dimensions: 1) Travel Costs and hassles, 2) Local Costs, 3) Attractions, 4) Weather, 5) Activities and 6) Safety

Gallery Credit: Kyle Matthews

If you're curious as to how harsh this winter will be, the signs are all around you - you just have to know what to look for. Here are the fifteen signs around us that indicate Idaho could have severe winter weather this season.

15 Signs Idaho Could Be in For a Harsh, Unforgiving Winter

According to the Farmer's Almanac, these are some mostly non-weather signs that Boise could be in for a harsh winter. Have you noticed any of them happening?

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