In-N-Out Officially Coming to Idaho!
It was just days ago I wrote an article lamenting the absence of In-N-Out in Idaho and offering an at home recipe for animal style fries as solace. Now In-N-Out has announced it will in fact finally make its way to Boise! Coincidence? I think absolutely so. But the timing is cool and I'm going to pretend that article was the catalyst.
In truth, years of Idaho residents expressing how much they love In-N-Out and need one locally is what made this happen. Denny Warnick, vice president of operations confirms, "We’re grateful to hear frequently from loyal customers in Idaho who wish to have their own In-N-Out Burger nearby. Our president, Lynsi Snyder, has given us a five-year goal to turn that thoughtful feedback into reality. We’ll meet that goal, and we’re looking forward to joining the wonderful community there."
That five year timeline seems a little long but if we've waited this long, what's another five years? The real question is how long will we be waiting in line once it's here? The location that just opened in Colorado Springs had customers waiting 12 hours to get their hands on a Double-Double!
My hope is that this five year plan means we'll be getting a few locations at once. Personally I'd like to see one in Meridian. If I'm going to wait in an outrageous line, I'd at least like the drive to get there to be a short one. In any case, the fact that In-N-Out will exist in Idaho at all is good enough for me.
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