Idaho Food Bank Plans To Raise 1 Million Dollars In March
A million meals in the month of March. That is the goal, and with the way that the Idaho Food Bank has been receiving donations and drop offs making this goal is right on track. How can you help?
Spring is usually the time that donations seem to drop off, but so far there has been a massive amount of support in the Treasure Valley to meet this goal. They need to raise at least $250,000 to be able to feed the thousands of Idahoans who struggle with putting food on the table each day. It's called the "Million Meals In March" drive and Winco Foods has already pledged to donate $25,000 worth of food to the cause. That is getting it close to about 10% of the campaign's goal.
Want to be part of the drive, you can do it. A special website has been created and has been accepting pledges since Monday. Click here www.millionmealsidaho.org and donate a financial contribution. Along with the monetary needs, the Idaho Food Bank is always looking for volunteers year round. So where you are looking to gather all the food in your pantry and come down and donate or even just spend time at the facility 3562 S Tk Ave in Boise, all the help is very much needed. The President of the Idaho Foodbank Karen Vauk was quoted saying " In a month when many of us are focus on on the warming weather and approach of Spring, many of our friends and neighbors are left struggling, this campaign makes sure we don't forget the needs of Idahoans during the lean months of Spring."
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