Humane Society Still Looking for Stolen Puppy
This is about as low as you can go, even for criminals. The West Valley Humane Society is still looking for assistance from citizens as they are still missing a puppy stolen on December 17th.
KBOI reports that according to the shelter spokesperson Kierra Larson that 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. is the busiest time and someone took advantage of that, and stole snoopy out of his kennel.
It was during a routine kennel check that little snoopy was noticed missing. He was there for the check in at 4:00 p.m. but gone by 6:30 p.m. Snoopy was so small he would have been easy to conceal in a coat pocket.
Their biggest worry is that Snoopy isn't being taken care of properly, but everyone also wants to see the puppy returned. The shelter has already implement procedures so this doesn't happen again, although more security also takes additional money.
The shelter has said many times and continues to say that anyone who returns snoopy will not be required to answer any questions, they just want him back.