DNIQ: Win Train Concert Tickets & $25 Togo’s Gift Card if You Can Answer This:
Mondays Mike and Nicole give you a chance to answer the Damn Near Impossible Question and Win prizes. This week it's pair of concert tickets to see Train live in concert when they come to town on July 13th and since we didn't get a winner last week, you also can win a free $25 gift Card to Togo's Sandwich shop. Here's the question and exclusive bonus video clue:
We look for the official answer after 9:30 a.m. on Monday (11/7) When we tell you it's time to call be caller #6 at 376-5106 and answer the question to win Train concert tickets and a $25 Togo's gift card so you can try out their Best Turkey Sandwiches ever. Togo's has been famous f
Remember if we don't get a winner we add another prize every week till we finally get a winner....Good Luck!