Can You Guess Which Word Idahoans Missspell the Most?
On the heels of the Scripps National Spelling Bee let's take a look at the most misspelled words in each state. Spelling is kind of a lost art. People either have everything automatically spell-checked, or just don't care if they're right or wrong. But still after reading this list . . .just wow!
(First of all, Yes I know I misspelled Missspell in the Title.. I was trying to be funny and wanted to see if anybody noticed)
Google just put together a map with the word that every state has the most trouble spelling . . . based on the number of searches for "how to spell" that word and all of its possible misspellings. Here are some of the highlights . . .
- A few states have nothing to be ashamed of. Like, the most misspelled word in Connecticut and West Virginia is "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious." I'm not sure it's possible to spell that word RIGHT.
- Other states that Googled a legitimately tricky word include Michigan, Washington, Alabama, and Maine . . . all of which had trouble spelling "pneumonia." And New Hampshire, where people have trouble spelling "diarrhea."
- But now, the BAD ones. People in New Mexico somehow had the most trouble spelling "banana" . . . people in Ohio, New York, Minnesota, and California had trouble spelling "beautiful" . . . and people in New Jersey can't spell "twelve."
- But the most embarrassing is a tie between South Dakota, where the most commonly misspelled word is "college" . . . and Wisconsin, where the most commonly misspelled word is "Wisconsin."
- Congratulations Idaho, you have the most trouble spelling “quote” Really? How are people spelling it kwote? cwote? Kuote? I’m imbare-assed! Wait, is that right?