Breaking A Rule or Just Smart?
When your kids get birthday presents there are thank you notes to send. Is it okay to text a thanks?
I've always heard it's proper etiquette to mail a handwritten thank you note after receiving a gift, whether it's for graduation, a kid's birthday party, a wedding, or a baby shower. And I've always tried to practice that. But now, since everything in the world has moved to our smart phones, can't we just text a thanks? It's so much easier.
I sent some thank you texts over the weekend, and now I'm asking if it's okay to do it. Oh boy. But I'm feeling relieved it's off my to-do list at least. And everyone replied enthusiastically, with exclamation points and emojis and all the usual things that signal text love and acceptance.
There are huge advantages to texting a thanks. First, it's super quick! Handwritten notes through the mail take time to write, stamp, and make it through the mail process (which seems to get slower every day). A text is instant, and gets there while people still remember that they were at the party and what they gave as a gift. And it's easy to attach a picture, showing the gift in use.
Lots of people argue that handwritten notes through the mail are the only proper way to express gratitude. What do you think?
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