A Reminder About Trail Etiquette
As the weather begins to warm up, now would be a great time to remind each other about proper trail etiquette. Here in the Boise area we're lucky to have several wonderful trails. However it us our responsibility as a community to keep these trails as pleasant as possible for everyone.
The City of Eagle recently shared a very informative Facebook video about trail etiquette while you're strolling along the Greenbelt in Eagle. However these tips could apply to basically every trail you might find yourself on this spring/summer in Boise.
Here are some things to remember about trail etiquette provided by the City of Eagle:
1. Pedestrians have the right of way. Cyclists and others need to watch out and yield for pedestrians.
2. Keep to the right. Keep of the right except to pass, and be careful at bridges and corners. Just like you're driving on the highway.
3. Pass on the left. Cyclists should also notify others when passing. Use a bell, a horn, or say, "On your left!"
4. Don't block the path. At most, travel two across so others can pass on the left. - I'm very guilty of this. Sometimes I just got lost in my own world.
5. Dogs on leash. Be sure to keep your dog on leash at all times and under control. Even if you think your dog has great recall skills, it remains a great risk to others and their dogs.
6. Keep it clean. This is an obvious one but it also seems like the most ignored. DO NOT LITER YOUR TRASH. Simply find a garbage can or wait to throw it away at home.