Boise Is Made Better By People Like Lexie
When I got to my office at the station this morning, I found a note sitting on my keyboard. My first thought was, "who was in my office and why?" I quickly learned I would be glad.
Lexie had been in my office. She wasn't sneaking in. She wasn't where she shouldn't be. She evidently is on our custodial team.
I say evidently because, to my knowledge, I've never met Lexie. I've been the beneficiary of her work (as this team cleans our offices exceptionally well), but the fact that the took a moment to share such a kind and meaningful note really hit me today.
My morning hadn't started exceptionally. A few inconveniences, I wasn't feeling great, I was holding on a call for 30 minutes while I drove to work, and I was just truly wrapped up in my own little world.
My first reaction when I saw the note on my keyboard was irritation. Who had been in my office. What would they want. When I read it, it completely changed my day.
The fact that the pictures I have in there had communicated how much I love my kiddo made my heart happy, and the fact that someone would take the time just to let me know it impacted them, made me realize how self-absorbed I had been in the prior hours.
I want to be someone who would think to stop and write a note to a stranger. I want to be that person who takes the 2 minutes to leave some encouragement. It could change someones entire attitude. It did mine.
Thanks Lexie.
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