Boise Girl Scouts Will Offer Cookies Online Soon
Girl Scouts will be selling cookies soon at Treasure Valley grocery stores, and online.
The Silver Sage council is on the list of Girl Scouts offering online sales this year, which makes it way too easy to over-indulge, but oh well! It only happens once a year.
Raise your hand if you can polish off an entire sleeve of Thin Mints in one sitting. Or if you tend to suck on the Tagalongs until the cookie part melts in your mouth and mixes perfectly with the chocolate and peanut butter. And then you eat five more. Some of us might do those things.
People Magazine broke it down by state, and charted which Girl Scout cookie we tend to like the best in Idaho. It's the Thin Mint! Oregon is right there with us, picking the Thin Mint as the favorite. Montana prefers the Tagalong/Peanut Butter Patty, and Washington likes the Samoa/Caramel deLite the best.
They're not on sale just yet, but we can get all of them soon in Boise. And the website says the Silver Sage Council is one of many to be part of the Digital Cookie opportunity this spring too, meaning we can grab them online and probably end up buying more than we would otherwise.
The Girl Scouts also have an event coming up with Boise State and men's basketball on February 18th. Scouts, their families, and friends can get discounted tickets and sit in a special section that day at Taco Bell Arena as the Broncos take on the Wyoming Cowboys.
We'll look forward to that. And the cookies!