Win Sold-Out Playstation 5 By Eating Cereal
It's the one meal that some people live by and others forget. I'm talking about breakfast. I've never been the best but growing up it was all about cereal.
Go ahead and add the hottest sold-out item with the most important meal of the day to cause drama. Win the almost impossible to get a new Playstation 5 by eating some cereal. That's it, almost.
General Mills is giving away the new Playstation 5 by offering codes that you can collect. There is a code in each box in which you logon to their website to post the code. It's similar to our Cash Code Contest. There is a limit per day which allows you more chances per post to win. Why is this a big deal? It's just a game system, right? No.
There hasn't been a new system since November 15, 2013. I still can't believe it's been that long. You can see why people have bought every last PS5 on the market. Nobody is really even talking about the latest XBOX Series X that came out in November.
Here are the participating General Mills Cereals.
- Cinnamon Toast Crunch
- Honey Nut Cheerios
- Reese's Puffs Cereal
- Cookie Crisp
- Cocoa Puffs
- Cinnamon Toast Crunch Treat Bars
- Golden Grahams Treat Bars
- Lucky Charms Treat Bars
- Honey Nut Cheerios Treat Bars.
I guess some people are opening the boxes of cereal to take out the codes. I wouldn't do that because I'd hate to see you in jail. That does show you these kids are losing their minds to win this Playstation 5.
I'm posting a link to a Gamingintel website that really breaks down how to win including updates on restocking.
Good luck!