I'm not married so I'm living vicariously through you on this one.  What do you love most about being married?  Do you agree with this list?

The Huffington Post offered up 33 Things Women Love Most About Being Married, and it's a good list.  There are some very happy marriages out there!

The Huff Post got enthusiastic comments from women online on what they love about their marriages, and here are the most popular answers:

No more dating 

Kisses.  Lots of kisses.

I don't have to do it all. (He cooks, I clean.)

I'm loved.

He's seen my crazy and he's still there.

He gets me even when the rest of the world doesn't.

He tells me I'm beautiful even after an ugly cry.

He understands my love of cold cereal for dinner and Pop Tarts in my glove box.

It's the simple things right?  It's not necessarily the diamond pendants and bouquets of roses that keep us content.  Those are fun, but hopefully they are just extras, and the icing on a really fun, emotionally rich slice of relationship cake.

This list inspired me so I thought I'd share.  You never know who's watching, and who will be encouraged by your happy marriage, so keep it going!  And share your comments with us on Facebook.

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