
It’s Official: TopGolf is Coming to Meridian Idaho
It’s Official: TopGolf is Coming to Meridian Idaho
It’s Official: TopGolf is Coming to Meridian Idaho
After about four years of research, planning and red tape to get through, it is official. Topgolf is building it's 73rd venue in Meridian. Topgolf is an entertainment, restaurant, sports bar and golfing establishment that is sure to bring groves of Idahoans thru it's doors. The closest location to here is in Portland Oregon, Hillsboro to be exact.
Explore Castles in Idaho with These Photos
Explore Castles in Idaho with These Photos
Explore Castles in Idaho with These Photos
When you think of Idaho you most likely don't think of fairytales or kings and queens in big castles. However, medieval architecture, drawbridges, gargoyles, knights armor, towers, and even secret passages can be found right here in Idaho.
Ugliest Building In Idaho
Ugliest Building In Idaho
Ugliest Building In Idaho
You may be surprised what Idahoans think is the Ugliest Building In Idaho. Here's a little hint. It's in Boise.
Parkcenter Building Revamped
Parkcenter Building Revamped
Parkcenter Building Revamped
It's no surprise that Boise is growing and expanding lately. More and more people are realizing how amazing our city is and moving here for different opportunities, which has led to various areas of town seeing new buildings and improvements to old structures.