Santa Claus Will Come To Boise This Year, But It’ll Be Different
Santa Claus is certainly high risk. He's overweight, his diet is out of control and he's old. All that said, his visit to the Treasure Valley this holiday season will be different.
Malls across the United States are in the planning process currently. What will they do about the good ole fashion visit to see Santa Claus? Will children be able to sit on his lap, take a picture and tell Ole Saint Nick what they want for Christmas at The Village or at Boise Townsquare mall like they traditionally do? Likely not.
Apparently a lot of malls across the country are taking extra precautions related to Santa Claus and the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic including preparing to set up with plexiglass and proper social distance measures. There's a good chance you'll be able to take your kids to see Santa this year, but that you'll always be able to tell with one glance which year was 2020 because it'll be a photo where your child is positioned six feet away from Santa Claus telling him what they want for Christmas instead of sitting on his lap.
Anyway, tell your kids the line about him being high risk, I think that will help them feel better about not being able to visit in the traditional way. I think you can still do cookies and milk though, right? As long as Santa promises to wear a mask in your house? He IS going to be visiting a TON of people's houses so take that into consideration.