Missing Fruitland Mom Found Dead
Another tragic ending for a Treasure Valley ending just before we kick off the holidays. This 41-year-old Fruitland Mother of three has been found dead.
Sarah Stepp went missing nearly two weeks ago. She was last seen at her home around 3:30 p.m. on September 26th. She left home in her 2014 pearl green Ford Escape. According to an article on KTVB, Sarah was considered gravely disabled.
No word on why she left home and never returned. Investigators say there are not any signs of foul play in her death.
Her vehicle was found this past Saturday, October 5th around 2 p.m. by a hunter who stumbled upon it in rural Washington County. Search and Rescue found Sarah's body at about 4:30 p.m. that same day and she has now been positively identified.
Please keep Sarah's family and friends, and especially her children in your thoughts and prayers this season as well as the family of 60-year-old Andy Dennis who was just found in the Oregon wilderness after encountering a snowstorm on a hunting trip.