When it comes to people, names can be powerful labels.
Common or rare, names can pack a punch in just a few letters. Some hint at history and culture, while others capture someone's personality to a T.
When you meet a man named Alexander, for example, it might conjure images of an ancient conqueror. But then you meet another guy named Alex, and all of sudden you're thinking about playing Guess Who? with your sister in the '90s.
Names are funny that they 🙃
Animal names are every bit as fascinating as human names.
Animal names are cool and quirky because they're like tiny stories wrapped up in a single word. Red pandas, blue whales, some names tell us what an animal looks like, while others like, Arctic fox or Amazonian tree frog describe where they come from.
Then there are the quirky animal names like blobfish, boobie birds, naked mole rats, and pink fairy armadillos that seem too silly to be true...like the animal group names in the gallery below.
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22 bizarre but real names for different groups of Idaho animals
8 Idaho creatures that actually hold funerals for their dead

Can you blame 'em? 9 Idaho animal parents who eat their kids
5 adorable animals that are absolutely NOT welcome in Idaho
22 Bizarre But Real Names For Groups Of Idaho Animals
Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela
8 Idaho Animals & Insects Actually Hold Funerals
Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela
9 Idaho Animal Parents Who Eat Their Kids
Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela
5 Adorable Animals That Are Absolutely NOT Welcome in Idaho
Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart
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6 unexpected things that attract pests to Idaho homes
If you're hiking through Idaho's woods, beware of these critters

7 creepy animals in Idaho that might kill you & 1 that actually will
Sad! These Gem State creatures are on the verge of extinction
6 Things That are Attracting Pests to Idaho Homes Right Now
Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela
Beware Of These Dangerous Pests In The Woods of Idaho
Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas
7 Scary Idaho Animals That Might Not Kill You, And 1 That Will
Gallery Credit: Marco
7 Scary Idaho Animals That Might Not Kill You, And 1 That Will
Gallery Credit: Marco