How Much Money Do You Need to Make to Be ‘Middle-Class’ in Idaho?
The world is constantly changing and as we're seeing at the gas pumps, things are getting more expensive than ever before. Prior to rising gas prices, America was hit with the coronavirus pandemic which negatively impacted restaurants, the trucking industry, and so many others.
The people over at GoBankingRates.com analyzed data from the U.S. Census Bureau to figure out what Americans need to earn in their respective states to be considered middle-class.
They categorized income amounts based on how many are in your family. What most people will find surprising is that Idaho is among the states with the lowest "middle-class income requirements." How low? Try in the top 10. It's crazy, right? Especially with how many more people are moving into the Treasure Valley. Believe it or not, Idaho has the lowest 'middle-class' income requirement on this list. As someone who is living in Boise with his family of four, this offers some consolation to the rising prices. Consolation in knowing that we don't have at as bad as our friends to the west.
California and Washington are neck and neck with their 'middle-class' income requirements among the highest in the country, but does that surprise anybody?
We aren't just going to share the data for Idaho either, we're sharing the data of our neighboring states so you don't have to scroll through the whole list of the entire U.S. of A to find the amounts.
We'll be looking at what is considered 'middle-class' as of March 2022 in California, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and of course, Idaho.
Do You Make Enough Money To Be Middle-Class in Idaho?
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