Harrison Blvd in Boise Will Be Closed on Halloween
It's the most popular street to trick-or-treat on in town. Full-sized candy bars, parades of children running up and down tree-lined yards. There is nothing quite like Harrison Blvd in Boise on Halloween, but this is what you need to know before you go!
Harrison Blvd in Boise's North End will close from 3:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. between Resseguie Street and Hill Road.
The only side street that will be open is Lemp Street. Resseguie and Hill Street will remain open during the event according to an article on idahonews.com. Police will be at Harrison and Lemp to help children crossing the street.
I'll be honest, I've never taken my kids to Harrison Blvd because I've been too intimidated by the crowds, but I've heard it's the most incredible Halloween experience you can find in the state, so it may be worth trying to find parking and fighting the crowds.