A Treasure Valley summer "must-do", right? Floating the river... I was eating at a local spot in Meridian today and the owner of the restaurant said "this is not the year to float the river", and cited a few accidents that have happened in the past few weeks. Will you float the river this year? Have you already?

There was the story of a woman dying before the river float officially opened, then the story of the tree that fell down, hurting a few floaters on the river this past weekend, but it doesn't seem to be scaring everyone away.

I mean, a tree collapsing randomly could happen when you're walking down the street, right? What about Covid-19 fears? Is that something that may deter you from floating the river? Or are you all in on summer fun in 2020?

As a Treasure Valley Newb, I was really looking forward to the river and I feel like if it's open, I think I probably will. What about you?

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