Fines For Paddleboarding Without Required Equipment
Have you ever been paddle boarding? It's always intrigued me, but I just don't think I have the balance or fitness level to do it.
Not many people realize they are considered to be a vessel when used outside of a swimming, surfing, or a bathing area, so they fall under all of the other boating regulations.
That means there are certain pieces of equipment that must be used just as you would on a boat, like the person on the board has to have a certified life jacket, a sound producing device, like a whistle, a foghorn, and invasive species sticker fixed to the board. If you don’t meet those requirements you could get fines up to $99, and if you don't have your Invasive Species Sticker, you can be fined $72.
Avoid those fines and get your Invasive Species Stickers HERE!
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