We're living in a time where you can be fully nude and you'll get in trouble for not wearing a face mask.

You probably won't see much of this here in the Treasure Valley, but in the Czech Republic, there are quite a few nude beaches and resorts. According to Kafkadesk, there are rules in place requiring people to wear face masks, but they apparently haven't banned all nude beaches and resorts.

Because of this, some nudists were out and about doin' their nudist thing, and were reprimanded by cops for not wearing the masks. A little bizarre to me that they were fully exposed and that wasn't an issue, but that darn face mask did em' in.

But I guess it's more about the air you breathe than anything else. But now more than ever, if you're nude in the Czech Republic, you should probably wipe down the chair you're gonna sit in.

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