Election 2020: “So, Who Ya Votin’ For?”
An Idaho guide to avoiding unpleasant conversations with family and friends. Inevitably, in these tumultuous times, you'll end up in an awkward conversation with people with glaringly different views.
It's really tough when it's people you love, right? Facebook friends are one thing but family is another. In truth, Republicans and Democrats are living in different worlds right now. The algorithms of the internet tend to feed people more of what they're looking for on either side. We're also getting most of our information from the internet these days so what ends up happening is people on both sides can not fathom why someone would want to vote in contradiction with them.
"So, who ya votin' for?" is obviously a conversation you'd like to avoid but if you can't, you've got a few ways to respond.
- Draw a hard line in the sand and say "I love you, neither of us is going to change the other's mind, let's just not talk about it"
- Tell them you're only interested in a conversation/debate if it's going to be calm and collected
- Take them to the Idaho Capitol Building, duke it out debate style and if they start to annoy you, bang the bell
I was with family over the weekend, who I obviously love dearly, but we clearly have different view points on politics and current events. Though the election itself didn't come up, a few hot button topics did: Antifa, BLM, Coronavirus, etc.
At this point in this election season, there are very few undecided, and good, bad or indifferent, Trump is a very polarizing figure. Some LOVE him unconditionally, and some can't stand him so changing someone's viewpoint on him specifically, seems like a moot point.
LOOK: Here are 50 political terms you should know before the upcoming election
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