Driving To Work Could Take You A Few More Minutes Starting Soon
We all know that one of the most frustrating things about the Treasure Valley can be the commute to and from work. Traffic SUCKS. And I'd love to tell you it is going to get easier but that is just not the truth. It looks like with this, it will get a bit worse before it gets better.
If you happen to spend any time over in the Nampa/Caldwell area more than likely you have seen the signs of road construction starting to pop up this morning. Yup, that's right more road work means more traffic. Starting tonight Monday 5/22 from 8pm till Tuesday evening crews will be repaving and hopefully fixing the pothole situation on the Westbound lanes of Franklin and Northside Boulevards. Those traveling eastbound will see the delays and detours coming on Tuesday night.
The full garb will be out as well, cones rails and trucks. So if the plan is to get to work quicker by taking these routes, think again detours will be a plenty. Looking at the positives though, just more time for you to hear that Mix 106 Cash Code from Mike and Nicole. Think about it, the delays in your morning commute could score you 1 Grand just for listening. The details on how to guarantee a chance for you to walk away richer every morning...right HERE.
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