Don’t Let Tree Bugs Ruin the Christmas Gifts
Imagine the surprise on your daughter's face when she opens up her new Fingerlings, and a few dozen bugs come rolling out of the wrapping paper. Ewww! If you've got a real tree, you might have 20,000 bugs hidden in there, but there is something you can do about it.
Shake the heck out of that tree!
You can squirt 'em, but that might not be the smartest way to get rid of bugs. Most of the bug-killing sprays are flammable, and that's a bad ingredient to add to an already flammable tree. Since you'll want to go another route, ask the tree farm if they have a mechanical shaker, or shake the tree in the backyard. We can probably all think of a hundred better ways to spend an afternoon, but if it gets rid of the mites and spiders then okay. We'll shake.
The word is, there could be more than 20,000 insects lurking in the trees, including mites, spiders, and ticks, and there could even be a birds' nest or two. And then add the allergies on top of it, and we're beginning to wonder if it really is the most wonderful time of the year.
Saferbrand.com says we can also try these remedies to get rid of bugs in the trees:
Diatomaceous Earth - An insecticidal powder that uses no synthetic chemicals and leaves no scent or odors. Dust the tree while it's outside though, then bring it in.
Neem Oil Spray - That's supposed to eliminate insects at every growth stage. Use it as soon as you spot any pests.
It's kind of a pain to drag that fake tree out of the attic every year, but at least those of us who opt for the fake tree avoid critter issues. Christmas morning loses some magic when there are spiders in the Bluetooth speaker package. May your holidays be merry and critter free!
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